Analog input is limited to 1.46V on the CC3200. Higher voltages may damage the MCU. - Reference: SS3.2 Drive Strength and Reset States for Analog-Digital Multiplexed Pins in the CC3200 datasheet.
Consult the CC3200 Hardware guide for hardware setup.

The CC3200-LAUNCHXL has on board Wi-Fi to easily add a wireless connection to the internet. Use the Energia WiFi library to get online quickly and easily. You can also make use of many community contributed libraries that utilize the WiFi library APIs. :icons: font NOTE: NOTE ON VARIATIONS: There is also another board called the CC3200MODLAUNCHXL which works exactly the same but uses the module version of the CC3200. It is more expensive, so it’s usually better to use the CC3200-LAUNCHXL for evaluation purposes unless you need to test the module version.

This hardware is open source! Get the design files from TI.

Pin Map

The following diagram shows the complete pin map for the CC3200 LaunchPad in Energia. Note: the lighter colors indicate no connects. Click the image to view a larger version of the image.


Installing the drivers

Drivers may or may not be required in order to start using this LaunchPad. Download and open Energia on your system. Connect your LaunchPad to your computer over USB. Select CC3200 under Tools > Board, and select the correct serial port under Tools > Serial Port. If you don’t see a selectable serial port, you likely have a driver issue. If you have not already done so, follow the instructions for your operating system to install the drivers here:

The out of box experience is explained here.

Getting Started Video