Example 07: Hearing (Sound Sensor)


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  Light Sensor

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#define SOUND_SENSOR       A1           /* sound sensor pin */
#define LED                RED_LED      /* LED pin */
#define THRESHOLD_VALUE    200          /* The threshold to turn the led on 400.00*5/1024 = 1.95v */

#define ON                 HIGH                    /* led on */
#define OFF                LOW                     /* led off */
#define _handle_led(x)     digitalWrite(LED, x)    /* handle led */

/* Global Varibles */
int sound_value = 0;

void setup() {
    /* Initialize led pin */
    pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

void loop() {
    /* read the sound value */
    sound_value = analogRead(SOUND_SENSOR);
    /* if the value is larger than threshold, turn on led */
    if(sound_value > THRESHOLD_VALUE) {
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