BLE Input Output

This app serves as an advanced demo to show the user how to create and interact with BLE services. This app achieves most of the same functionality as the SerialOverBLE app, but with less encapsulation. BLE Input Output is an excellent starting point for users who are looking to define their own services (custom or adopted), and start to use advanced features such as security.

How it works

This example uses employs two BLE Services. Services (and their underlying characteristics) are the vehicle for data transfer over BLE. For more information about BLE Services and Characteristics, please refer to the SimpleLink Academy Custom Services Module. The BLE Input Output sketch aims to communicate user input from the MSP432 LaunchPad to a smart phone in the form of button presses. Similarly, it takes output from the smart phone and displays it in the form of the tri color LEDs. To do so, we must create two services, the button service, and the LED service.

Creating a BLE Service

Using the BLE Energia library, you can create a service like the simpleButtonService below:

` /* BLE LED Service is made up of LED Chars */ BLE_Char *simpleButtonServiceChars[] = {&button1Char, &button2Char};`
/\* LED Service Declaration \*/ BLE\_Service simpleButtonService = {
{0x00, 0xFF}, 2, simpleButtonServiceChars };

Creating a BLE Characteristic

Next, you can create the characteristics of the service as below:

BLE_Char led1Char = { {0xF1, 0xFF}, /* 16 bit BLE UUID = 0xFFF1 */ BLE_AUTHEN | BLE_WRITABLE| BLE_READABLE, /* BLE Properties */ "LED 1" /* User Description */ };

Notice that each characteristic has its own UUID, Properties, and User description. These are some of the building blocks of a BLE characteristic.

Making it secure

Security is a major concern for IoT devices. In this example we have decided to make characteristic secure by adding the following tag to its properties BLE_AUTHEN. This means that only authenticated users can access this characteristic. You’ll notice that when you try to read from this characteristic, your smartphone will ask you to pair with the device. What this means is that the CC2650MODA device is entering a secure connection with your phone. The BLE Energia library utilizes the latest in BLE security features (4.2 Secure Connections Pairing with Numeric Comparison to be exact). To read more about BLE 4.2 security, please see this blog post BLE 4.2 Security with TI. Follow along below to learn how to securely pair your smart phone with the BLE Energia library Note: In order to complete the security process, you will need to open the Energia Serial Monitor.

  1. Open the Eneriga Serial Monitor

  2. Scan for and connect to the BLE Input Output sample app running Energia. It will advertise as BLE I/O Demo

  3. Once connected, attempt to read from LED 1 Char. This characteristic requires authentication

  4. You will notice a pop up on your smart phone asking to pair, don’t click this just yet, but make note of the number listed on the popup.

  5. Look at the ouput of the Energia serial monitor, it will ask you to compare the number listed on your smart phone with the one on the serial monitor.

  6. Press Button1 (left button on MSP432 LP) if they are equal, button2(left button on MSP432 LP) if they aren’t.

  7. Then press pair on your phone.

  8. You will now be able to control LED1.

serial monitor pairing
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